Friday, 21 March 2008

Гуголь стебается

Называется это "Stick 'em up!":

We've printed up a batch of AdSense stickers, and we'd be delighted to send one or two your way, wherever you are in the world. The stickers are designed for laptops, but they'll work just as well for placement on mugs, skateboards, or temporarily on a shirt. (Note: turning a pal into a walking Google ad without their knowledge is not recommended.)

So how do you get one of these glue-backed masterpieces? Easy: send us a self-addressed, stamped envelope with enough postage to return 1 oz of sticker goodness to you from our office in California via standard U.S. mail. (Sorry, we can't help you calculate the postage to your location). Send your envelope, along with a note if you'd like, to:

Смысл в двух словах: пришлите нам заполненное оплаченное письмо, чтобы мы Вам выслали наш супер классный рекламный стикер.

Желающие наверное заспамят своими заявками. Спешите, стикеров всем может не хватит!

Гуголь жжот :-)

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